BOCES Educational Programs
The Salt Point Education Center [SPC]
The Salt Point Education Center is a child-centered school, educating students in grades K - 8. The small, nurturing environment of this school affords each student the maximum amount of attention necessary to improve academic, vocational, and social skills that meet the New York State Standards and Assessments. Salt Point Education Center
Dutchess BOCES Resilience Academy (Alternative High School)
The Dutchess BOCES Resilience Academy, joins the resources of concentrated counseling services and a structured program with clear behavioral and academic standards. This creates a supportive atmosphere where the individual student is the focus. The program is designed to assist students in rebuilding their self-esteems and to develop pride in their accomplishments. As a result, students have a positive sense of their own worth and abilities which enables them to achieve. Characteristics of the program include small class sizes and the ability to individualize instruction if needed. Students are offered a full range of courses and academically related experiences, similar to those typically found in the traditional school setting. Our success is measured by our steadily increasing annual graduation rate. Dutchess BOCES Resilience Academy
Career & Technical Institute [CTI]
All of our programs offer students the opportunity to gain basic entry level career skills as well as the skills necessary to enter a college or technical school. Articulation agreements with post-secondary institutions are available for many of our programs. Our qualified staff is experienced and trained in their respective fields. Career & Technical Institute
The Adult Learning Institute [ALI]
The focus of our program is to encourage individuals to “UNLOCK THEIR POTENTIAL” through lifelong learning. Classes are offered during the day, evenings and on weekends. Courses offered assist community members to upgrade current job skills, prepare for new careers and grow personally and professionally. Our offerings range from courses providing highly technical skills to classes promoting general interest and self-development. The Adult Learning Institute
1-6-1 and 1-8-1 Centers
The 1-6-1 programs serve students whose needs are determined to be highly intensive for reasons related to behavior, delayed development or physical disabilities.
The 1-8-1 programs serve students whose management needs are determined to be intensive for reasons related to behavior, delayed development and/or physical disabilities and who can tolerate a slightly higher ratio than 1-6-1 but not as high as 1-12-1.
Both are augmented with related services as designated on the student’s IEP. Vocational programs are offered to secondary students within the Special Education class framework. -
ABC Program: Academics, Behavior, and Community Program
This program is an intensive, full-day program that fully integrates academics, social and behavioral competencies. Academically, the emphasis will be on reading, writing, and math. Socially and behaviorally this program includes embedded activities that teach specific social and behavioral skills. The purpose is to address the relationship between behaviors/social issues and academic difficulties.
• This program serves students in elementary and middle school age range, as well as nonclassified students who may be eligible for 504 services.
• Each student is enrolled for one semester with a targeted transition plan back to a home school placement. The opportunity to remain in the program is available.
• The program is staffed by a lead teacher with expertise in behavior and social competencies, two Special Education/Elementary Education teachers with extensive training in effective reading strategies, and a teaching assistant.
• The ABC program consists of two classrooms at the BOCES Salt Point Educational Center. The population consists of classified and nonclassified students.
• To maintain consistency and insure the success of each student, parents and home district teachers are provided training for successful transition back to the student’s district classroom. -
Alternative High School Equivalency
A full-day [structured] program to serve children at risk who are lacking the required credits to complete a traditional school program. This program is designed for students who are in jeopardy of eventually aging out, dropping out and who have historically displayed a need for a highly structured environment. These students would not be candidates for other programs due to their behavior, or a lack of interest to participate. The academic emphasis will be preparation for the High School Equivalency exam.
Alternative Middle School
This is a full-day middle school alternative program leading to entrance into high school by completion of eighth-grade requirements. Characteristics of the program include small class size and a range of counseling services provided by Astor School Based Services.
Assistive Technology
Certified personnel provide direct and indirect support service in the integration and use of assistive technology devices, materials, and strategies to students, educational teams, and families. This service includes assistive technology evaluations, student technology consultations, and training to students and staff to promote the integration and use of technology tools within the academic environment. Follow-up support is provided upon request, including staff development. Assistive Technology
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program
Related and Itinerant services are provided by Dutchess BOCES staff in schools throughout Dutchess County as requested by districts. Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program
Extended School Year Program
The Extended School Year Program serves students from all school districts who require a 12-month program as determined by the local Committee on Special Education.
Fresh Start [1-12-1; Secondary Students]
The Fresh Start Program is designed for secondary students who have high management needs and low academic success as evidenced by few or no Carnegie credits earned. In this program, behavior is redirected through accountability, and students are prepared for a GED diploma.
In-District Class Types
District classes are located in elementary, middle, and high schools within Dutchess County. District placements allow opportunities for students to be mainstreamed with their non-disabled peers according to individual strengths and interests. Opportunities to integrate within the school program are abundant. Eligible students have access to prevocational and vocational work experiences. In-District Class Types
Intensive Day Treatment Transitional
This is a short-term transitional program to serve adolescents in acute emotional crisis. Clinical services are provided by Rockland Children’s Psychiatric Center. This program offers two classes: one designed for adolescents, grades seven through twelve and the second designed for students in grades three through six.
Intensive Learning Environment [1-6-2]
These programs are designed for students aged 5 - 10 years with highly intensive management needs. Students typically lack impulse control, are very violent and may be substance affected. These programs are augmented with related services as specified by the student’s IEP.
PEACCE Program [1-6-2]
These programs are designed for autistic and/or severely communicatively impaired students. Staff are trained in the TEACCH Model as developed at the University of North Carolina. A very defined program provides the structured environment required for the children to learn. Related services as designated on the student’s IEP are provided by TEACCH trained staff within the classroom. PEACCE Program
Pegasus [1-12-4; Multiply Disabled & Traumatic Brain Injured Students]
The Pegasus Program provides services to students aged 5 - 21 years who have multisensory or motor deficiencies and developmental lags in physical, cognitive and psychomotor capabilities. This program is highly individualized and provides academics, perceptual motor training, self-help skills and vocational activities as designated on the student’s IEP.
Related and Itinerant Services
Related Services are defined by the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) as such developmental, corrective and other supportive services as are required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education. Dutchess BOCES provides a variety of both certified and support personnel to special education students enrolled in classes run by Dutchess BOCES (related) as well as in participating district and private schools (itinerant). Related and Itinerant Services
Speech Services
Related and Itinerant services are provided by Dutchess BOCES staff in schools throughout Dutchess County as requested by districts. Speech Services
St. Francis Hospital Education
Dutchess BOCES and St. Francis Hospital provide comprehensive services to students who are patients on the Adolescent Mental Health Unit of St. Francis Hospital in Poughkeepsie.
Visually Impaired Program
Related and Itinerant services are provided by Dutchess BOCES staff in schools throughout Dutchess County as requested by districts. Visually Impaired Program
Work-Based Learning Internships
This program is offered to classified students as an introduction to the world of work following the School-to-Work model. Work experience in the community is identified and limited job coaching is available.
• IEP recommendation for 1 - 5 day internship
• Assignment to a work-site convenient to the BOCES site
• Referral signed by BOCES administrator
• Training agreement signed by student, parent, & employer
• Quarterly progress report submitted by job support staff
• Completion of medical and student profile forms as listed in Work Based Learning Program packets [given to all special education teachers in September]
• Rotation of industry type as needed
• Support from youth aides assigned to model job skills on site