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BOCES honors food service staff

 Today marked the first time Dutchess BOCES celebrated School Lunch Hero Day (May 3), honoring food services staff who work hard to provide healthy meals to students across campus.

Security and law students earn new certification

Did you know that there were 106 opioid involved overdose deaths in Dutchess County in 2022? Some of these deaths could have been avoided with the use of a medicine called Naloxone, commonly referred to by the brand name, Narcan.

Regional leaders discuss future of technology

Tech dirctors from four counties gathered at the Dutchess BOCES conference center to hear updates from state officials and discuss the latest informationTechnology leaders from school districts and BOCES across four counties gathered recently to learn about and discuss the latest information on a variety of topics including data privacy, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence (AI) and more at the Dutc

Dutchess BOCES offers hands-on homeowners classes

Do you wish you knew how to install ceramic tile in your home or put siding on your house? Have you always wanted to possess the welding skills to fix equipment or create a work of art? You could learn all of this and more through the Dutchess BOCES Adult Learning Institute’s (ALI) homeowners classes.  


Dutchess BOCES has received reports of some students experiencing allergic reactions when coming in contact with spongy moth (formerly known as Romani or Gypsy moth) caterpillars.

We have temporarily closed our playground equipment while we assess the situation. We value the daily routine of outdoor recess, our principals will identify areas on our campus where the insects are not present and allow the students to participate in those locations.

If you have questions, please contact your building principal.